Vehicle Info

Sales Price
Trade Allowance
Amount Owed
Down Payment

Interest Rate & Term

Interest Rate

Taxes & Fees

Postal Code
Sales Tax
{{ tax_rate }}%
Doc Fee
${{ doc_fee }}
Title Fee
${{ title }}
Registration Fee
${{ license }}
Fee Details
{{ fee_link }}
Postal Code
Sales Tax {{ tax_rate }}%
Doc Fee ${{ doc_fee }}
Title Fee ${{ title }}
Registration Fee ${{ license }}

{{ getPaymentAmountFormatted }}/mo

{{ term }} Payments
{{ totalPaid }} Total
{{ totalInterest }} Interest
{{ totalTax }} Sales Tax
{{ rate_minus }}% {{ rate }}% {{ rate1 }}% {{ rate2 }}% {{ rate3 }}% {{ rate4 }}%
${{ formatDownPayment(down_payment * down_payment_increment) }} down {{ getCellData(rate_minus, down_payment * down_payment_increment) }} {{ getCellData(rate, down_payment * down_payment_increment) }} {{ getCellData(rate1, down_payment * down_payment_increment) }} {{ getCellData(rate2, down_payment * down_payment_increment) }} {{ getCellData(rate3, down_payment * down_payment_increment) }} {{ getCellData(rate4, down_payment * down_payment_increment) }}

Disclaimer: Car Payment Pal strives to provide the best estimate calculations based on the information provided. However, we are not liable for the accuracy of the displayed data. It is advisable to verify and discuss the estimates with your sales or financial representative before making any purchase decisions.

Why Car Payment Pal?

  • Realistic Auto Payment Calculator: Our advanced calculator delivers personalized payment scenarios tailored to your situation.
  • Empower Your Negotiations: Approach dealership negotiations with confidence, armed with accurate payment estimates.

Why I Built Car Payment Pal

As a car enthusiast and consumer advocate, I created Car Payment Pal to empower buyers and bring transparency to the car-buying process.

Take control of your car-buying experience – explore Car Payment Pal today!

Car Buying Tips

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What are Dealer Fees?

Demystifying the types of dealer fees when buying your new car

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Worst States to Buy a Car

Steer clear of costly mistakes. Discover the worst states for car buying.

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Avoiding Common Auto Loan Mistakes and Pitfalls

Learn about common auto loan mistakes, how to avoid unnecessary costs and fees, and tips for making informed and financially sound decisions.

Thumbnail - Decoding Dealer Fees

Decoding Dealer Fees

Learn about common dealer fees, how to negotiate or avoid unnecessary fees, and understand the difference between mandatory and optional fees.